Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fun With Stocks

The stock market players out there should take a look at Marketocracy.
This is a fun site where for free one can set up a run a mutual fund on paper. All the work is done by the site, including monitoring adherence to the covenants of the fund. The idea is to identify people who have investment talent.
I have used it for years as a way to keep up with stocks I am interested in and to play with decision making rules. I am not very active with it anymore but, once a quarter or so I check in a adjust my portfolio. I have over the 5 plus year period outperformed the S&P by about 9% a year with around half the volatility spending literally almost no time on the process. Here is the method I used. I picked value stocks or strong themes like resources. I never put more than about 3% in a single stock and if the stock lost 10% I sold it. If a stock grewo to be more than 5% I trimmed it back to around 3%. That is the whole process and it did way better than my real accounts with significantly simpler procedures.

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