Monday, February 18, 2008

Those lovable Muslims are at it again.

Those lovable peace loving Muslims are at it again as Gateway Pundit points out:

Iranian Father & Buddy Stone 14 Year-Old Daughter To Death

An Iranian man and his buddy stoned the man's 14 year-old daughter to death after suspecting that she was having a relationship.
Suspecting!! Some of you will say " oh, that is only a couple of muslims not all of them". Well true enough but where is the outrage from the other Muslims? All I hear is silent acquiesence. Of course drqw a pen and ink cartoon 2 years ago and you get this:

8th Night of Rioting in Denmark-- 20 Towns Hit By Fires

1 comment:

DP said...

Great point. I can't really think of anything comparable in the western world.