Saturday, March 1, 2008

WSJ: Jolie 1, Obama 0

James Taranto in The Wall Street Journal writes:
Jolie 1, Obama 0
Actress Angelina Jolie recently visited Iraq in her role as a "goodwill ambassador" for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. In a Washington Post op-ed, Jolie urges a continued U.S. presence in Iraq for humanitarian reasons:

It's quite a contrast with the attitude of Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama, who said last summer that even preventing genocide was not a sufficient reason for a continuing presence in Iraq. What does it say about the Democratic Party that it seems poised to nominate someone who, on the most pressing concern of the day, is less morally serious than a Hollywood starlet?
I applaud Angelina Jolie for stating a position that will be wildly unpopular in Hollyweird. She has also earned the right to be called a star rather than a starlet.

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