Sunday, April 27, 2008

Scary Loss of Individual Rights in Britain

Scary things going on in what use to be democracies. Canada is utilizing Human Rights Commissions to strip away freedom of speech and impose political correctness. now Britain is removing all individual rights and legal protection of those rights. From Samizdata:

The distinction between the legal order in Western democracies and the tyrannies of Stalinist Russia or modern China or the Arab gulf states, is often thought to be stark. In Britain in particular, we are complacent that 800 years of the common law will protect us against the overreaching power of state functionaries.

Today comes a case that shows this conceit to be ill-founded. It was already widely known that the Home Secretary would like the power to lock anyone up for seven weeks on her say-so. But it is not in effect yet, and is likely to be opposed in parliament. Who knew that the British state is already punishing 70 people with effective suspension of all their economic rights on mere accusation, by freezing their assets by Treasury order without any legal warrant or process?

Read it all. It is both frightening and sad to see the country of the Magna Carta slide into oblivion and tyranny by bureaucracy. We must always and everywhere fight the tendency of politicians to grab more power.
hat tip Instapundit

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