Friday, April 4, 2008

This weeks Throw The Bum's Out Award goes to Jim Cramer

(Throw The Bum's Out is my campaign to have everyone vote against every incumbent running for office in the next election. Thorw them all out of office, both parties, send a message for change in the self indulgent corruption that has become Washington politics.)

Driving home tonight I was listening to Jim Cramer's show and he went on a rant for which i am awarding him the Throw The Bum's Out Award. Jim rightfully took off on the plan in Congress to give a big bunch of money to help homebuilders. He is vehemently against the plan and he is right. Watch the video at CNBC.

So here is to you Jim Cramer for pointing out the scurrilous venality of our current crop of elected windbags.

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