Thursday, July 8, 2010

Voter Fraud OK with the Justice Dept. If it is the right kind.

Wall Street Journal:

Who Will Investigate the Investigators?

Another voter fraud scandal involving the
Justice Department.

J. Christian Adams,, a former career Justice Department lawyer who
resigned recently to protest political interference in cases he worked
on, made some news yesterday in testimony before the U.S. Commission on
Civil Rights.

As expected, he claimed that Associate Attorney
General Thomas Perrelli, an Obama appointee, overruled a unanimous
recommendation by six career Justice attorneys for continued prosecution
of members of the New Black Panther Party on charges of voter
intimidation in an incident I detailed here yesterday. But Mr. Adams
leveled an even more explosive charge beyond the Panther case. He
testified that last year Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie
Fernandes made a jaw-dropping announcement to attorneys in Justice's
Voting Rights section. She said she would not support any enforcement of
a key section of the federal "Motor Voter" law -- Section 8, which
requires states to periodically purge their voter rolls of dead people,
felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state.

to Mr. Adams, Justice lawyers were told by Ms. Fernandes: "We're not
interested in those kind of cases. What do they have to do with helping
increase minority access and turnout? We want to increase access to the
ballot, not limit it."

Read the rest here.

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