Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Commodity Indices All Rising Steadily

UBS BLOOMBERG CMCI1316.58-15.451316.521317.721316.3807:24
S&P GSCI597.01-7.94599.88599.88597.0007:14
RJ/CRB Commodity365.57-4.65370.22370.30364.5201/15
Rogers Intl4432.53-54.204461.134461.134430.9707:25
Brookshire Intl492.42-7.11497.59497.60490.3001/15

Bloomberg: provided chart above.
With apologies to Dennis Gartman: all commodity indices are moving from lower left to upper right- there are only three positions to hold, long, slightly long, or flat.

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