Sunday, March 2, 2008

Associated Press Against Free Speech

The Associated Press is bullying a blogger (Snapped Shot ) for criticizing their photoshopped photographs. They are hiding behind Fair Use clauses and copyright laws but the truth is this is using a corporate legal staff to force a small independent voice to shut up because he cannot afford the legal costs of protecting his free speech rights. Isn't this the opposite of what a free press should be doing?
Jules Crittenden is all over it: Legal Jihad

Hat Tip: Instapundit

Update: (also via Instapundit) Duke University officials follow up their stunning rejection of "innocent until proven guilty) with an effort to suppress free speech. American Thinker has the story.
When I was going to school in the late 60's the free press and the universities were places that revered Individual rights, freedom of speech, and concepts like innocent until proven guilty. And we liked it that way.

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